Welcome to Labrador Jeeper!

What’s New
Our Jeep Gladiator – 2000 to 10,000Km
So we have had the Gladiator for 7 Months now. We finally hit 10,000km (Sort of like a baby turning 1 i guess) We’re really enjoying the Jeep and can’t wait for summer to come to try some offroading. That being said she hasn’t been sitting idle! So far we’ve done 2...
From Our Blog
Surviving the Trans Labrador Highway in winter
We have a bad habit of getting stuck in storms while traveling the Trans Labrador. So far its Happened 4 times. Once resulted in a 8 Hour stopover on the Eagle River Plateau. I'll tell you a little about each of the stories, but know there’s a point to these little...
Be a Tourist in your own Province – Labrador West
SO we done a story a few months back about the South Coast of Labrador where my Wife is From (Port Hope Simpson) and we realized that there’s a lot of nice Offroad / Overland attractions in western Labrador. The terrain in the...
Jeeps for the new Jeep owner
Well so you bought a new Jeep, what happens now? Well I bet you didn’t realize there’s a huge community of people that all use jeeps differently but have common interests…. Jeeps. Sheena and her first new Jeep First let me explain something, there are some people who...
Be a Tourist in your own Province – South Coast of Labrador
Growing up i always went to other places for vacation, or we went to the Burin Peninsula if the Island of NL. Ontario, New Brunswick, Quebec Nova Scotia, but we never really toured Labrador where we’re from. SO a few years ago we decided to be tourists in our own province. Welcome to the South coast of Labrador
Our Jeep Gladiator – 0 to 2000 Km
On Sept 21th, 2019 we finally got to pick up out New Jeep Gladiator. We traded in our 2010 Jeep Sahara that our friends had Dubbed “The Widow” because of the nice West Coast Choppers Black Widow Rims that were on her originally. Can’t say I wasn’t sad when I handed over the Keys.
SO after a 8 Month Hiatus, I’m Back! You might be surprised why!
There’s been a pretty long period from me with no posts. There’s a good reason for that. I’ve been out of the Big Land getting treatment for cancer and having a Little girl. That’s right, Congratulations you are having a child, and surprise you have cancer. Hell of...
Jeep – Its a Way of life (No really, it’s a thing)
When i bought my first Jeep (A rusted out ol XJ) i never thought that i be starting a journey do this rabbit hole. I’d long been part of the Offroad community in the Lab West area, driving, Old Chevs and even a geo Metro…. Fun times. It Wasn’t long before i had 3 XJs in the Yard in various states of scrap/rebuild.
Another Hobby to add to my Jeeping! Drone Flying!
I always thought it was pretty cool when you see youtube videos with awesome drone shots. I thought it would be cool to do Jeep videos from the air. And when a Friend offered to sell my old
buddies DJI Inspire one i freaked out!
Our Whirlwind Tour of the Atlantic Provinces. (Vacation 2018 – Part 1)
Well we made it! 3 Weeks, of constant travel and Fun. Over 7300 KM on TicTac in 3 weeks is a hell of a feat! Here is the summary of what we did and a Preview of some stories that I’ll share later.
75,000 Pop Tabs!
So folks, everyone knows that every dollar we raise goes to Ronald McDonald House NL. But did you know we collect Pop Tabs too? Our Friends and even strangers have been collecting them all year!
Heat of summer in our Jeep!
Wow this summer has been a scorcher in the Lab West area! We’ve been keeping ourselves really busy, camping pretty much every weekend since our late start in June.
Go Topless Labrador 2018
The Jeep gods were smiling on us! Tough economic times, and and a nasty weather forecast really made us wonder how this years Event would go. But the Jeep gods were smiling on us! The weather cleared off and although it was a bit windy it was warm enough to put off a...